Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dance of Death Reivew

 Two brothers. One is a top FBI agent. The other a brilliant, twisted criminal. An undying hatred between them. Now, a perfect crime. And the ultimate challenge: Stop me if you can....Vengeance is in the blood.

Shelly's thoughts:
It took me a little while to get through this book. I'm not entirely sure why I put it down and kept wandering away from it, but I picked it up again yesterday (about 145 pages in) and finished it earlier this evening. Dance of Death is a little more scattered than the other Pendergast novels, but I love it just the same. There are lots of cameos in this book. If a character has come into contact at any point with Pendergast, they're here and have page time. I do enjoy the weaving of four story lines (Nora and Smithback, D'Agosta and Hayward, Pendergast and those characters, and of course Pendergast and Diogenes.) and how it all comes to a partial close. I say partial because there's another leg of this arc. I'm looking forward to getting into The Book of the Dead. I just really love the Pendergast novels. I know a lot of people say that you can read them out of order, but I don't suggest that. There are characters and histories that build on each other, with Preston and Child barely touching on them when characters reconnect, or appear again. Plus, it's an amazing series full of details and layers. If you haven't read this series, please start. You won't regret it.

Rating: ★★★★☆
Total Length: 560 pages.

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